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Our Products

We currently sell both hay and grapes. We are adding Christmas trees across the farm that should be ready for “Cut Your Own Tree” Christmas 2028. We are also hoping to set up a tree lot for purchases starting in 2024.

Christmas Tree

Christmas Trees

whith pine.jpg

White Pine

White pines are soft, long needle trees that give off a great tree smell. Due to its long needles, white pines have a great, full shape making it a beautiful choice. While these trees may not be as sturdy as the Norway spruce, they are well adapted for lights and ornaments. White pines have a great water retention rate. This helps keep a healthy, green look for longer than other trees, making it a great choice for those who like to cut their trees earlier and keep them up longer.


Norway Spruce

Norway Spruce have many great qualities, making it a classic pick for many families. Norway spruces are a sturdy, short needle tree perfect for hanging heavy ornaments, lights and tinsel. Norway Spruce have the desired tree smell but are not as strong as others leaving it a perfect hint of fresh tree smell. This classic tree became popular in the U.S around the 50’s and 60’s giving it a nostalgic classic feel. It is recommended waiting closer to Christmas to cut this tree, as it loses its needles faster than other trees.



We are always working to enhance the quality of our hay! Most recently we have overseeded with orchard grass and are getting ready to overseed once more with a diverse blend to further improve both the quality of our product and the health of our soil. Please contact us if you are interested in getting Hay 



We have over 400 Sunbelt grapes growing on our farm. Sunbelt is a variety that was bred in NY State and is the "Concord of the South" and was specifically developed to grow well in the southern heat. Thus the Sunbelt have a great sweet Concord flavor but are twice as big making them perfect for jelly, wine and snacks. We are normally open one-two weekends in August for Pick your own Grapes. Please follow us on Instagram or Facebook for updates on when we will be open. 

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